On Wednesday, we had 8 kids in attendance. First, we started off with the book, "Everyone is a Scientist." I let them know how we were going to be scientists the rest of the day by gathering facts and using our senses and tools.

After our story, we did another guessing jar. This time, I had 68 mini marshmallows in a measuring cup. We took turns writing our guesses in secret and then talked about the differences between the previous guessing jar and the mini marshmallow guessing jar.

For snack, we worked together to make Rice Crispie Treats, using measuring tools, flavored marshmallows, butter, rice crispies, and some leftover marshmallow cereal from a previous snack. Each child could pick their own cookie cutter and mold their mixture into the cookie cutter. Some opted to just eat the mixture before forming it, which was just fine.

Then we checked out our dissolving PEEPs. I let them touch a few of them.
We discussed how they changed from the previous day and predicted what would happen by Thursday, the last day of Library Camp.
Then, I divided the group into 2. One group worked on designing their own PEEP while the other group microwaved PEEPs. Then we switched.
Then we watched a funny YouTube video where somebody microwaved a whole bunch of PEEPs at the same time for a long time. "Don't try it at home, kids!" Beforehand, we predicted what might happen, knowing what we know from our microwaving adventure. Most kids were pretty right on! You can see all photos at the bottom of today's post.

Then we taste tested PEEPs and marshmallows... cake, sour watermelon, pink lemonade, and regular flavors. I didn't tell them what they were getting, but I did give them options as to what flavors we had. Most kids guessed each flavor correctly! While I did NOT like the cake PEEP, almost all the kids loved each flavor and couldn't pick a favorite :)
Then we had free time: Battleship, Play-Doh, reading, etc.
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