Song: What is the Color? I borrowed this from The Mailbox, issue Aug/Sept 2014. I switched up some of the lyrics, but not too much. It is to the tune of BINGO.
What is the color of the a plum?
(Have them guess then show the colored paper) Why purple is it's name-o!
/p/ /p/ purple purple (3x)
Purple is it's name-o.
Sun - yellow
Leaf - green
Rose - red
Snow - white
Bat - black
Book: GO! GO! GO! STOP! by Charise Mercile Harper The kids helped me with the "go" and "stop" parts throughout the book. What a great book! It really got them involved!
We played the game similar to Mother May I/Red Light Green Light, only all kids could go when I held up the green circle, then stopped when I help up the red one. I prompted them the first time and then didn't talk at all the second time. What fun!
Interactive Story: Is It Red? Is It Yellow? Is It Blue? by Tana Hoban. I asked them different questions about the pages - colors, amount, what are they doing, etc.
Similar to "Brown Bear, Brown bear what do you see?" only with different colored skunks. I passed out the skunks and when I sang out their color, they brought it up to show everyone by placing it on the feltboard.
Goodbye Songs and Bubbles
Activity: Spray Painting
I put water and paint into spray bottles. The kids took turns writing their name on a piece of paper the painting with the spray bottle. They turned out so unique and fantastic!!
Next Week: Mother Goose!
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