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Friday, September 16, 2011

Storytime Set-list: September 14

Books Set-list
Welcome Back to Storytime! Every Wednesday or Friday, I will post for you what we read, sang, and did during our Wednesday Storytimes! If your child REALLY enjoyed a particular book or is still singing a song, you can always come here and see what it was!

"Welcome Back" by Dr. Jean on cd All Day Long

Baby Bear's Books by Jane Yolen

"These are my Glasses" by Laurie Berkner on cd Whaddaya Think of That?

Anna's Tight Squeeze by Marian de Smet

"Shake Your Reader Ribbons" by Kimbo Educational on cd Leaping Literacy

Too Much Noise in the Library by Susan Margaret Chapman

Goodbye Songs: "Big Books" Big books, little books, short books, tall. Thin books, fat books, I love them all!
"The Other Day" The other day I read a book about hats and you wear them like this. The other day I read a book about kangaroos and they hop like this. The other day I read a book about guitars and you play them like this. The other day I read a book about goodbyes and you say it like this, "See you soon!"

Following sticker hand-outs, I talked to the parents about Falling Into Books and up-coming renovations. See previous posts regarding both topics.

Fall Creek Library Renovations

Please read this exciting announcement from Alyson Jones, our Director.

The Fall Creek Public Library is expanding!  In an effort to alleviate some of our overcrowding, the library is expanding into the space being vacated by the Fall Creek Police Department.  The wall between the two departments will be partially removed!  As a result, things may look and operate a little differently for a little while.  For example: we will have to relocate the E and J video and DVD section, and there may be some extra boxes around and shelves being moved to prepare.  The bulk of the renovation is being planned over a weekend in order to have the smallest impact on visitors.  Construction (or deconstruction!) is slated to begin on Friday, September 23 and run until Monday, September 26.  More specific information about exact hours affected will be posted at the library once it is known.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Alyson at 715.877.3334.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Book Reviewers

Want to get the blog rolling? Join the team of book reviewers! All you need to do is contact Jenna with your interest, read ONE book a month, fill out a super easy book review template, and return it to Jenna! Jenna will publish your review on the blog once a month! We are still looking for parent/guardian and youth book reviewers for:

-Picture Books
-Easy Readers/Easy Chapter books
-Teen/Young Adult Books
-Adult Fiction and/or Non-fiction

Books should be published after 2009.

Interested? E-mail Jenna at or call 715.877.3334!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Falling Into Books

We are pleased to announce Falling into Books, a special new reading promotion just for Storytime and LMNOPlaying youth in PreK-2nd grade! Attend any Storytime or LMNOPlaying program to learn more about how you can help your child keep track of how many books they read or are read to at home, in the car, at the store, in the Library, at the beach...

Each child will be given a Falling into Books sheet with leaves to color and easy directions. Fill up the Falling into Books sheet and bring it back to the Library! New Falling into Books sheets will only be given out at Storytime on Wednesdays 9:30am and LMNOPlaying 2 Mondays a month at 7pm!

Once the group reaches 100 BOOKS, all participants in Falling into Books will be invited to a Fall Harvest Party (date to be determined as we reach the 100 book mark!)

This reading promotion will continue after each new goal is reached, the theme changing periodically.

I look forward to hearing about all the books being read out there! Let's all fall into books!