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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Afterschool Library Camp: Marshmallows Day 2

On Tuesday, we continued our exploration of the world through marshmallows. We had 11 kids today and had tons of fun!

First, the kids made their own trail mix. The kids could pick up to 4 scoops from pretzels, marshmallows, marshmallow cereal, Annie's Bunnies, and Annie's cheese crackers. While they ate their snack, I read "Glue." After the story, I held up a vase filled with PEEPs. The kids came up and wrote how many PEEPs they thought were in the jar. Each guess was very close and two kids guessed correctly! 25 PEEPs!

Then, we checked on our Dissolving PEEPs experiment. I even let them touch a few of them. We swished the jars around to get a good look at the bottoms of the PEEPs. We talked about what the soda and tea were doing to the chicks and what that might mean for our teeth. I reminded them how solid the PEEPs were to begin with and if any physical changes were taking place. We looked at color, size, and movement, too.

Then, I gave each child a glue bottle, a piece of black paper, and a cup 3/4 full of small marshmallows. I set crayons and toothpicks on the table and we made 3D marshmallow sculptures. Very creative kids!

Then we had 40 minutes of free time. They could choose from Pentominoes, checkers, drawing, quiet reading, puppets, dollhouse, trains, and LEGOs.

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